Saturday 31 May 2014

Nutritive dessert: Ragi manni

Ragi/ finger millet is a part of afternoon diet replacing rice in many parts of Karnataka, primarily Mandya!!! Ragi muddhe and mossap-saru (green leafy veggie curry) counters a savory ragi diet... To do with its high calcium content, a dessert would fetch you ample of all the essentials in it... Do follow the recipe and get benefited with a health crop of South Asia.
Ragi manni / ragi cake / ragi halwa can be tried at home, a simple dessert with loads of nutrition. It favors all age groups aiding healthy bone development in kids and elders too to combat osteoporosis...

Recipe ingredients:

Ragi / finger millet : 1 small cup (150 ml cup can be used as a measure)
Coconut milk          : 2 cups- 300 ml (use the same cup used to measure Ragi)
Jaggery                   : 1 cup (Coarsely ground)

1). Freshly grated coconut (one half) is blended to extract out  thick coconut milk.
2). Blend ragi ( no need to soak it beforehand), with little water in a mixer grinder. use a strainer to separate liquid. 
3). Upon adding some more water, blend it again.

4). Extract out the clear liquid by straining it. Repeat till you can see only the dry bran!
5). Mix all the three ingredients in a thick bottom pan and place it on moderate flame.

6). Make sure, you add approximate volumes of liquid as mentioned above. Otherwise, the procedure gets tedious on flame that with patience it comes right. With continuous stirring bring it to boil.

7). With an approximate consistency as you can see in the pic, bring it to halt and pour on a greased plate. (note: it hardens upon cooling).
8). Do not lid it while cooling, as it might create sticky manni in place of jelly consistency cakes.
Enjoy it refrigerating once it cools down at room temperature. Slice them and hog on!!

 Do comment and suggest some add-ons. I didn't add cardamom or fruits, which can be a substitute to health...
Feast-o-Meal with this great dessert.


  1. Wow!!! Amazing!! I would like to taste this...I know u r a specialist in this

    1. Hmm... it was straight from my mom's kitchen.. try to make it n feed me too... :P
