Wednesday 16 April 2014

Mango rice / Mavinakayi chitranna

White pulp to Golden Yellow (such a visual feast!!), unripe to ripe mangoes are rich in nutrients that aid in normalizing body's imbalances... There was a ground breaking research in biotechnology sometime back producing GOLDEN RICE! It had a gene to produce beta carotene artificially which would combat Vitamin A deficiency. But this fruit king has "it" naturally!! Poly-phenolic antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, vitamins and pre-biotic dietary fibers makes it an interesting fruit to be consumed by those who are dieting.. Lowers appetite as you feel fuller due to vast range of nutrients in it. If consumed before meals, you tend to eat less.. The fibers in it improves digestion and brings down fat deposition too. Mainly focusing on LDL or bad cholesterol and ultimately bringing down the related adverse effects... Though it has lots of sugars, due to low glycemic index values, wouldn't contribute much to blood sugar levels and not a bad fruit for diabetics...

Mangoes do possess small amounts of copper which acts as co-factors to most of the enzymes in our body and makes it functional. You might be knowing about the usefulness of pyridoxine (Vit B6)  in homocysteine regulation in humans required for healthy heart to avoid coronary artery diseases (CAD) and stroke. Mangoes are rich in this vitamin... Some amount of fat is definitely required for uptake of those vitamins which are only fat soluble. For instance, if you are consuming Multivitamin tablet or any Vitamin rich fruits, don't let go wasted... Pop in an almond (contains good fat) and get the benefit of complete absorption of essential vitamins :)

Let me add some fat to a very traditional mango cuisine called as Mavinakayi chitranna or simply Mango Rice made using unripe Tothapuri variant of mango.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Powerfood-Cabbage patties

Do you know about cabbage soup diet!? Cabbage is such a power-food, smart carbohydrate yields very low calories upon liters/kilos of consumption... Are you focusing on anti-aging? Do you want non-saggy skin, healthy hair and nails? Use this vegetable in your weekly diet... Wholesome food, it acts on what not!!? For all the vegetarians out there, you miss out a lot of essentials from animal sources!, but you can gain it as an alternate with this one... Enjoy the spicy cabbage patties as a side dish with rice and rasam. Simple and tasty recipe awaits your read :)

Cabbage is used in soups, stews, sandwitches and pickles either raw or cooked... Loads of fiber, sulfur, vitamins, potassium in a cup-serving will help you to lose weight, fight cancer, give immunity and lots more... In Indian cooking it is used left n right, but no one tends to like this vegetable due to sulfur-y odor! Let's bring in a recipe to start with preparation of spicy Cabbage-patties...

Monday 7 April 2014

Bitter gourd delight is not bitter, trust me!

Bitter tasting  Bitter-gourds/melons possess ample of health benefits but stops us from eating them because of its taste. If you use some techniques to cook, it will not really taste bitter... Trust me!!!! Follow my recipe to relish on the crunchy bitter guard delight which can be used as a side dish with rice or as a partner to chapatis. 
Bitter gourd is rich in folic acid which is a type of Vitamin B, helps in producing blood (RBC) and thus accounts in treating anemia. Antioxidants are available in this vegetable possesses Vitamin C too. From ancient times, it is extensively used in treating diabetes as it has tendency to bring down glucose levels in the blood. Frequent intake will result in de-worming and has its action on gut related disorders.
There is always a room for a thought due to controversial arguments in consumption of this vegetable by pregnant woman. It would lead to healthy development of the baby as rich in folates, but might result in uterine bleeding in some cases. Don't hesitate to put this in your diet during pregnancy if you have been consuming it from ages!!

Saturday 5 April 2014

Curd rice with a twist!

Yeah! Presenting/promoting healthy LOW FAT CURD RICE... (Beware of preservatives while you buy low fat curds from bazaar).

The major area of 'worry' in food which you consume is all about fats and cholesterol... They are produced in the body, as well as a part of dietary intake.. Not all fats are bad for your healthy being..  There are some fats essentially required by your body to give you energy; to deliver certain vitamins in dissolved form to the cells;  and take care of body's metabolisms... A set of essential fats required by female is more than that of a male! Let me tell you a big "FAT" story-to consume 'what' and 'what not'...

U can happily consume mono & poly unsaturated fats (olive oil, nuts), omega-3-fatty acids (fish, flax seeds), but put a hold on to the saturated fats (butter, coconut oil) & trans fats (hydrogenated vegetable oils)!! These fats in-turn are responsible for the levels of LDL (Bad cholesterol) deposition in your body... You know the risk of coronary heart diseases in association to bad fats!! So when you go buy packed-processed food, oil, dairy products and so on, do consider the above labels. Trans fats are produced in a process of oil hydrogenation. Though they mark 0% for the trans fat content on the covers, make sure the oil is not a Hydrogenated one! (not even partially hydrogenated!) It is a big NO NO...

Leaving aside all, let us feast on LOW FAT diet with a twist in curd rice preparation using curd chillies. Have you ever heard that there are evidences to prove fat breakdown by green chillies!!? The CAPSAICIN in chillies promote faster breakdown of fats by elevating diet induced heat generation int the body with increased metabolism moderating the fat levels in your body. I have used CURD CHILLIES, an Indian pickle (sun dried green chillies in equal amounts of curds and salt) as a seasoning and as I told, it will balance fats of low fat curd too!!

Thursday 3 April 2014

South canara delicacy- BUNS

Substituting Maida (All purpose flour) with wheat flour in the preparation of Indian breads/rotis, and sugar with jaggery is a current trend of a healthy diet. Remarkable differences in the content of both the flours dominates the use of one with the other.

Maida is nothing but the starchy inner part of the wheat devoid of fibers. The processed form of wheat is bleached chemically to get commercially available MAIDA. The chemical Alloxan or in simple terms analogue of toxic glucose is used to soften the flour. This has been a breakthrough research area and has found to be involved in destroying insulin producing beta-cells in pancreas leading to diabetes! Get alert and switch on to whole grain wheat flour to avoid adversities.

Jaggery replacing sugar is not very much a difference for the diabetics as the calories and glycemic values are almost the same. But, the complexity of jaggery is so high that it gets released in the blood a little slower compared to sugar. Happy news for those who are willing to lose weight! The potassium content in jaggery helps in reducing weight by increasing body's metabolism by involving in maintaining electrolyte balance. Thus brings down water retention and goals up to building muscle.

 Have you heard of South Canara delicacy- BUNS? Let us start with its prep. twisting the taste with the healthy flour and replacing sugar with jaggery.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Dill and white onion twist to ancient Thali-peeth, a Maharashtrian Breakfast!

Indian medicinal foods in Ayurveda plays pivotal role in healing. The same foods with taste bud tickling flavors, add much more to healthy being. Here I am to present you Dill leaves (Sabbasige in kannada) and white onions in the famous Maharashtrian breakfast Thalipeeth (Savory rice flour pancakes).

Dill leaves seems to be diuretics. Well, the scientific term will be explained briefly... You can call it a WATER PILL, which enhances urine production and thus helps to remove toxins from your body (DETOXIFICATION)... Aren't they great? It maintains stomach acid balance and thus brings down ACIDITY... Oops, this aromatic herb fights with bacterial infections and brings down the disgusting body odors. 

White Onions are highly recommended for medicinal use... It brings down swelling, bleeding and inflammations. Normalizing digestion can relieve constipation too... I have used it extensively with honey for treating my own cough... Use of Onions in preparation of VAJIKARA DHRAVYA is another astonishing property of this very favorite cooking ingredient.


Well… Starting “Feast-o-meal”
My blog helps you to be fit and healthy, though you feast on a self-cooked MEAL, which I will be sharing with you as a step-by-step recipe in the upcoming posts. 

Do you want to know how it works?
Here we go... In this blog, you will not only learn to cook, but will cook with a pinch of science in it. And of-course it matters to the food lovers who wish to eat varieties giving it a balance of diet consciousness. 
I will help you to segregate red, yellow n green stuff in your meal with respect to your body type. Let us not avoid food which accounts for fat build-up in the body, but balance it with required doses of crushers n grinders to make it unavailable for fat deposition.
For all out there “Lazy –to –Exercise” people but great Gastronomes!!
My recipes would be mostly Indian, aiming to meet nutrient requirements of an individual by blending tastes from different localities with the concern of HEALTH and TASTE.

Stay healthy with good food habbits,
