Thursday 10 April 2014

Powerfood-Cabbage patties

Do you know about cabbage soup diet!? Cabbage is such a power-food, smart carbohydrate yields very low calories upon liters/kilos of consumption... Are you focusing on anti-aging? Do you want non-saggy skin, healthy hair and nails? Use this vegetable in your weekly diet... Wholesome food, it acts on what not!!? For all the vegetarians out there, you miss out a lot of essentials from animal sources!, but you can gain it as an alternate with this one... Enjoy the spicy cabbage patties as a side dish with rice and rasam. Simple and tasty recipe awaits your read :)

Cabbage is used in soups, stews, sandwitches and pickles either raw or cooked... Loads of fiber, sulfur, vitamins, potassium in a cup-serving will help you to lose weight, fight cancer, give immunity and lots more... In Indian cooking it is used left n right, but no one tends to like this vegetable due to sulfur-y odor! Let's bring in a recipe to start with preparation of spicy Cabbage-patties...

Recipe Ingredients:

Cabbage                 : 1 (small) finely chopped
Onion                     : 2 (small) finely chopped
Green chillies         : 1 to 2 finely chopped
Rice flour               : 3 tablespoon (binder)
Sambar powder      : 1/2 teaspoon (I am not promoting MTR, but I used it :P)
Red Chilly powder :  1/2 to 1 teaspoon
Corriander powder : 1/2 teaspoon
Turmeric powder   : 1/2 teaspoon
Tamarind syrup      : 2 & a half tablespoon
Salt to taste (~ 1& a half teaspoon)
Chopped corriander leaves and curry leaves
Olive oil for shallow fry


1). Put together finely chopped cabbage, onion, green chillies in a bowl with chopped corriander & curry leaves.

2). Add rest of the ingredients and mix well with required amount of water. 

3). You should be just able to make small lose balls like the one in the pic. Do not add excess water.

4). Heat a pan, spray some olive oil, press evenly on a pan  (like patties) and shallow fry both the sides, keeping lid closed on a low flame for 5-8 min.

5). Finish it off on low flame, serve hot with rice and rasam, or use this in burger with some onion, capsicum, tomatoes, zucchini, mayonnaise... yummm..

Intensifying flavors in the dish will completely diminish the odd odors and you will tend to eat more. No matter! as it is a powerfood, yields enormous energy and not much of calories. Forgetting not to say,



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